What the Critics are Saying about Googled


A sampling of the recent glowing reviews of Ken’s new book, Googled: The End of the World as We Know It 

“… this perspicacious new book…. more fair-minded reportage than a polemic, leaves us with a telling portrait of a paradigm-altering company, which in 11 years has utterly transformed the business and media landscape…”

Michiko Kakutani, The New York Times

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“I dare you to name a more plugged-in media and communications technology reporter than New Yorker staff writer Ken Auletta. As comfortable interrogating a network executive as he is interviewing a software genius or bottling a human tornado like Ted Turner, Auletta builds his media-technology books the way a mason builds a wall -- upon a firm foundation, one brick at a time and as level as the horizon.

“In Googled, Auletta applies this technique -- which served him in previous books about the Microsoft antitrust suit, the fall of the television networks and the evolution of the wired world -- to chronicle the rise of Google, the world's favorite search engine…. Auletta's thorough, readable account of how the world has become Googled makes you long for the future chapters in the company's history.”

Jack  Shafer, The Washington Post

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“In Googled, New Yorker writer Ken Auletta tells the familiar story of the company’s rapid transformation from Silicon Valley start-up to global corporation…. But thanks to the unusual degree of access that the company granted the author – and thanks to his sharp eye – ‘Googled’ also presents interesting new details.”

Jeremy Philips, The Wall Street Journal

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“As Auletta’s richly reported book makes clear, Google has done a great job of breaking old icons…. Auletta has provided the fullest account yet of the rise of one of the most profitable, most powerful and oddest businesses the world has ever seen.”

Nicholas Carr, The San Francisco Chronicle

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“a sharp and probing analysis of the apocalyptic upheavals in the media and entertainment industries.”

Publisher’s Weekly

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Googled provides the most deeply reported look yet at what is perhaps the world’s most closely watched company.”

Robert D. Hof, Business Week

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Googled is terrific… What struck me is that Googled is also a fine textbook on leadership.”

Rich Karlgaard, Forbes

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“Ken Auletta, who covers media better than anybody…”

Charlie Rose, PBS

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“Ken Auletta is the best media writer around. In fact, nobody really comes cose.”

Jon Friedman, MarketWatch

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“…his page-turning history of Google…. Auletta has been on the media beat a long time and shows it with a perceptive and readable book.”

Michael Hill, the Associated Press

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The Economist

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“… insightful…. Because of his deep knowledge of media, Auletta can offer sharp perspective on the ramifications that Google’s disruptive engineering has for newspapers, television, cable, film, telephony and books.”

Mark Veverka, Barron’s

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“As the media industry's most inside outsider, Auletta has become its chief storyteller — much as The Making of the President author Theodore White was to presidential campaigns.

“That makes Googled a fine guide for people who want to know how the force behind the leading Internet search engine, YouTube and Android phones positioned itself to become the first $100 billion media company.”

David Lieberman, USA Today

Matt Dellinger